
Prior to using pystrata, Python and a number of packages need to be installed. In addition to Python, the following packages need to be installed:


  • numpy – fast vector operations

  • scipy – indefinite integration

  • nose – required for the unit tests

  • matplotlib – used for plotting

Install Python dependencies is best accomplished with a package manager. On Windows or OS-X, I recommend using Miniconda3. On Linux, the package manager is preferred.

Miniconda has installers for Windows 32-bit, Windows 64-bit, and OS-X. While pyRVT has support Python27, Python3 is preferred.

After the installer is finished, install the required dependencies by opening a terminal. On Windows, this is best accomplished with Windows Key + r, enter cmd. Next enter the following command:

conda install --yes setuptools numpy scipy matplotlib nose

On Windows, the text can copied and pasted if “Quick Edit” mode is enabled. To enable this feature, right click on the icon in the upper left portion of the window, and select “Properties”, and then check the “Quick Edit Mode” check box within the “Edit Options” group. Copy the text, and then paste it by click the right mouse button.

Now that the dependencies have been installed, install or upgrade pyRVT and pystrata using pip:

pip install --upgrade pyrvt pystrata

You should now have pystrata completely installed. Next, read about using pystrata.